Thursday, December 31, 2015

Here's to you, 2015

As the year quickly draws closer to its end, I see posts on every kind of social media of everyone reflecting on what life has tossed them, blessings and curses, over the past 364 days. What troubles me most, however, is the lack of balance seen between the good and the bad. This year, more than any other, I have seen more "glad it's over" and "worst year ever" posts than those that represent the beauty in our daily lives. As I look back on what the year has given me, I also can't help but be drawn to the trials laid before me, the things I've had to overcome. But, why? Granted, I know some days are better than others, but is a gloomy, rainy day an excuse to stay inside when the sun comes out?

2015 has definitely been one for the books. From the massacres in France and earthquakes in Nepal, to the horrible events right in our own backyard, and even personal losses and life-turbulence we all face, it seems it's getting harder and harder to move forward. But as a fresh set of calander pages approach, the necessity to recognize opportunity for growth increases. The world we live in is exposed and raw and young: desperate to be grown but confused about its identity. And sadly, this confusion can cause us to focus on our trials, and blind us from our blessings. Ironically, though these are the things that shape us into who we are. 

Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for him to act. 
Psalm 7:37

And He will. If I've learned anything this year, it's that in the darkest nights, the stars shine the brightest. Which is why I'm making a resolution for myself to trust more in God and worry less about what life is throwing at me. I'm staying greatful for my blessings and trying to live more humbly through my troubles. And I challenge others to do the same. 

And now, here's a list of things I'm greatful for in 2015.
My God: for giving me something to stand on and believe in
My family: as always, they've given me more love and support than I know what to do with
My friends: for making life that much more tolerable
My jobs: for giving me the opportunity to gain responsibility and understand the world
          Change: I've never been a big fan of change, but this year has offered its fair hand of new people, places, and experiences that have shaped me more than they know 
                       My losses: one closed door opens another, and 2015 has shown me what's behind door number 2 might be just what you've been praying for
     My boyfriend: for being the most selfless, giving man I know, and inspiring and pushing me to be the best I can be 
And of course, my dogs: for providing me with their tail-wagging, slobber-filled, tennis ball hidden in my sock drawer, unconditional love. 

Safe celebrations and best wishes for everyone in the New Year! 

2016, here we come!

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