Monday, June 1, 2015

Once Upon a Time...


"Once upon a time..." That's the appropriate way to begin a fairy tale, right? Not that I think of myself as being a Princess but- ah, who am I kidding? Of course I'm a princess! We all have a little bit of princess in us! And this blog is for all the princesses of Pinterest (the most obvious) and those who love to create and shop and organize and live and love and pray and cook and, well, you get the point!! So pretty much, my goal for this blog is to provide a safe haven and inspiration for us gals who are versatile and complicated and have a 40 different, unrelated Pinterest boards.

First of all, allow me to introduce myself. I'm a 20 year old Pinterest-addicted-thrift-shop-lovin'-think-I'm-crafty gal based out of northern West Virginia. I attend West Virginia University where I study Music Therapy and cheer for football and men's basketball. I have 2 different jobs, one where I work with adults with I/DD and I'm a waitress. I love to crochet, paint poorly, wear "old lady clothes" as my boyfriend calls them, hike, explore, organize, clean, and the list goes on!

As ya'll can see, I'm pretty scattered (both mentally and physically), but I bet I'm not the only one. I look forward to posting tips, tricks, ideas, and inspiration with you, and I hope I can help someone along in their search for finding a happy ending!

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