Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Two's Company

So I guess this is the first real post for me! Yay! Here goes nothin'.

One of the big things I hope to talk about on here is ways for us girls who have that man in our lives that makes us happy to return the favor. Being in a serious relationship can be hard at 20 when we're young and lively and adventurous and most importantly...broke.

Even though my boyfriend and I both have big kid jobs, with all our other expenses (especially our fur-child, Tucker), our piggy bank is always a little hungry. Of course we want to spend our hard-earned money on steak dinners, but what's more important is simply each other's company.

Notice that Galatians 5: 13 reads "Serve one another in love." Not gifts. Not  flowers. Not expensive Italian food. (And not that any of these things are bad).  But in love. Love is defined many different ways and is extremely subjective, but for me, it's encompassed in laughter and peace. Both of which are provided naturally by the time I share with my boyfriend.

This past weekend, my boyfriend and I took a spontaneous mini vacation that cost us less than $50 a piece! We traveled our beautiful mountain state in our little Miata convertible, packed a few muffins and a bottle of Barefoot wine, and enough clothes to last us a day and a half and we took off. We booked a room at a little motel (all we did was sleep there), and spent our two days visiting parks and national forests!

There is so much around us we are unaware of. I couldn't believe it when a woman that lived in Petersburg had never hiked Seneca Rocks. I find myself asking why I have never visited these absolutely jaw-dropping places in West Virginia that have been within a short driving distance my whole life!

 Plus, there's no better way to explore than with someone you love!

Use a road map!! Ya know, those paper-fold-out pamphlets stuffed in the glove box of our hand-me-down cars. They're extremely simple and give you directions without mispronouncing everything in that monotonous robotic voice.. Anyways, reading a road map gives you a chance to explore your route options. Find a back road or two- it's much more interesting and intimate to drive together! Using a map can also take away from the temptation of sitting on your phone if you're the passenger, allowing you to actually, you know, talk!!

Here's my challenge for you this week.

Spend some time with your guy. Whether it's a mini weekend vacation or yes, even a night out to Texas Roadhouse with some ribs and a juicy steak, remember...

Experience > Expense

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